
我们目前有26 篇文章,281次编辑!

Resources Inv wood 木 Wood - Inv stone 石 Stone - Inv gold 金 Gold - Inv diamond 钻石 Diamonds - Inv amethyst 紫晶 Amethysts
Inv sand 砂 Sand - Inv dirt 地 Ground - Link=Ice 冰 Ice - Food 食物 Food - Inv meat raw 滴剂 Drops - Inv gem orange 宝石 Gems
暴民 Mobs Rabbit 兔 Rabbit - Wolf 狼 Wolf - Spider 蜘蛛 Spider - Winter fox 白狐 Arctic Fox - Bear 北极熊 Polar Bear - Dragon 冰龙 Dragon
GMO Piranha 转基因食人鱼 Piranha - Kraken 鲲 Kraken
Equipment Inv pickaxe stone Pickaxes - Inv hammer stone Hammers - Inv sword stone Swords - Inv spear stone Spears - Inv shovel Shovels - Inv can full Watering Can - Inv wrench Wrench - Inv bucket full Bucket
Chapkas Chapkas - Inv amethysthelmet Helmets - Link=Diving Suits Diving Suits - Inv life crown Crowns - File:Inv bag.png Bag - Inv explorerhat Explorer's Hat - Hoods Hoods - Tunics Peasants' Tunics
Structures Inv wall wood Walls - Inv spikewall wood Spikes - Inv door wood Doors - Inv fire Fires - Inv chest Miscellaneous Structures -
File:Inv mill.png Agricultural Structures
General Inv pickaxe wood Game - Inv workbench Recipes - Inv blue orb Points - World fir big Biomes - Inv paper Map - Inv book Updates -
Inv totem Suggestions
Tips Inv res stone Strategy - Inv explorerhat Directory

资源[ | ]

木材 - 石头 - 金子 - 钻石 - 紫晶 - 火山岩 - - - 冰块 - 植物 - 生肉 - 宝石[ | ]

怪物[ | ]

兔、狼、蜘蛛、白狐、北极熊、冰龙、食人鱼、海妖[ | ]

装备[ | ]

镐子、锤子、剑、长矛、铲子、洒水壶、扳手、水桶、棉帽、头盔、潜水镜、皇冠、背包、小黄帽、面罩、头巾[ | ]

建筑[ | ]

墙、刺墙、门、篝火、藏宝箱、农田[ | ]

一般[ | ]

游戏、工作台、蓝点、生物群落、地图、更新、组队[ | ]

提示[ | ]

策略、目录[ | ]

Latest Update 最新更新
- 09 / 20 - Bakers are your bankers 面包师是你的银行家!
New autumn colors! 新秋色!
Autumn update
New market system
See the full changelog 查看完整的更新日志 ! here!

Notes 笔记
- 10000 Edits in Total!!! -
We have reached 10000 Edits on the wiki! Thanks to all of you who has been participating on the wiki. Every single edit from these awesome people made this possible. Thanks for supporting wiki, and have a nice time gaming!
Other Languages 其他语言
- 支援其他7种语言! -


New Video Recommendation 新视频推荐